I opened an office. The truth is, this was not my first choice. I intended to work for someone, hopefully to work for someone or some organization that would provide me with health benefits, mentoring, etc. but this did not happen. For a variety of reasons this didn't happen although I was in the running for several of these situations. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is what was supposed to happen all along.
The search for an office was painless enough and I ended up coming back a week later and renting the first office I had looked at. My new office is in a recently renovated office building that was previously a funeral home, a fact that I find oddly comforting. It's on the main Oxford thoroughfare and within two blocks of four of the courts in which I hope to focus my practice. I have a receptionist on weekdays, a nice phone system, access to print-fax-copy services, and a lovely conference room at my disposal.
I worked the rental of a nice set of office furniture, abandoned by some unfortunate entrepreneur, into my lease agreement. I am steadily adding supplies to my space and enjoying this. I have a Yellow Book ad in process and I am in various stages of negotiation with local papers regarding the getting of my name out. My number one concern now, however, is the acquisition of an appropriate hat rack. It will rarely hold hats but I will need it to hold jackets and ties and possibly the occasional umbrella. It has to be the right kind of hat rack, not just any old rack will do. Once the hat rack is in place, perfectly in place, I will deem myself ready for whatever the Justice Gods send my way.
I feel like an eleven year old boy walking into the carnival.
I think it would be really unique if you found a big ole stuffed moose head and hung your garments from its noble antlers. Nothing says "I'm the lawyer for you" round these parts like a strong visual demonstration that you appreciate the arts of both hunting and taxidermy. Just sayin'.