Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The First Debate

7:30 p.m. - I think that Romney has to make clear that Obama's campaign is built on lies.  There comes a point where not pointing out the obvious is itself dishonest and I think this is the point.  The timid say that he can't do that, that he will lose the middle if he does that.  Well, I say maybe it's time we lose the middle then.   At the very least, Romney has to deal with the lying bullshit about raising the taxes on the middle class $2000.00 and he has got to call Obama out on this in no uncertain terms. Having said that, I believe that Romney has done a fine job on his campaign up until now.  The theme that his campaign is a mess is a main stream media construct and mostly nonsense.  They rarely show anything but what they label Romney "gaffes" and then they show little but Obama positives.

7:55 p.m. -  It's Showtime and the fate of this country for the foreseeable future is on the line.  Pat Buchanan said something that makes me think Romney can tie Libya into tonight's topic via talking about oil and energy.  Anyone with any objectivity at all knows the Administration's handling of that issue has been shameful so bringing that up now would resonate.  Romney knows he can't worry about the 30% of voters who are in jury nullification mode on The Comrade.

8:00 p.m. - The first time I have seen them that close.  I believe Romney would whip his ass in a fair fight.  Of course, The Comrade would cheat.   Obama's opening statement is flat and his Michelle anniversary thing was impersonal. He is stammering a little already, truly lost without his teleprompter.

8:06 p.m. - Romney sounds strong and uses humor to congratulate the President and First Lady.  Right into personal stories of people he has met.  Different path.  Calls out lying prez on bullshit "top-down" horseshit.  Uses "vitality".  Moderator asks Comrade to answer the "trickle down government" challenge that Romney put out.  Comrade goes onto education (teacher's union) talking points and dangles cheap college to that voting block.  Sorry, Comrade, they are disengaged this time around.  Weak and stammering.  Too lazy to prepare.

8:11 p.m. - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Obama finally shuts up, nobody listened- Romney challenges the 5 trillion tax cut the Comrade alleged that Romney is proposing.  Romney back onto the 5 cornerstones to his plan.  On Education, he attacks the ridiculous number of federal agencies involved and the need to reduce.  Says lower tax rates but also deductions.  Ties his answer into his 5 points.  Calls lying Comrade out on the drilling lie he likes to tell by pointing out all the new drills on on private land.  Backs Coal.  Energy independence.  "No tax cut that adds to the deficit, any language to the contrary is simply not accurate."  Getting pretty close to what I am looking for.

8:14 - Comrade talking about what he did 4 years ago etc...Maybe it's me but he seems totally ineffective.  Now he challenges Romney on what deductions he will eliminate.  Fair enough.  "Independent studies...."  Always a lie when he says it.  Uses "economist and independent studies" but never says who they are.  Romney pounds him on his generic studies...Very, very effective.  Not taking shit from lying Comrade tonight.  The Stormin' Mormon is Born!

8:18 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Obama zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Donald Trump is small businesszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time for Warren Buffett mention zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz totally generic bullshit.

8:21 - President Bill Clinton Obama has hit the stage.  "Magnificent country indeed."  Thanks for bringing up "history".  Romney absolutely crushed him.  I saw it coming as soon as The Telepromterless Annointed One stumbled into history. Romney talked about history alright.  The Last Four Years - History.

8:27 - Deficit.  Romney ot borrowing money from China to pay for anything unnecessary.  President said he would cut the deficit in half and he has doubled it.

8:28 - Comrade - Bush did it.  Wars unpaid for. Economic crisis.  "Seniors in nursing homes" scare tactic.

8:31 - Romney nailing him on deficit.  Nailing him on everything he has lied about.  President Romney.

8:32 - Quoting Obama on not raising taxes in a weak economy in 2010.  What's different now?  Were you lying then or are you lying now?  No answer from Comrade Superior Intellect.   Raise taxes and kill jobs.

8:33 - President Obama - "I got nothing."  He would at least have some honor if he said it.

8:35 -zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Corporate Jets zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Shipping jobs overseas zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Balanced Approach zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Affordable College zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Teacher I met in Las Vegas zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Autistic Children.

8:38 - Romney "I have been in business for over 25 years and I have no idea what you are talking about."

8:40 - Romney -  big state's rights push on dealing with poverty.

8:40 - Obama happy to move on now. Entitlements - My Grandmother - His VP of a Bank, Grandma, used Medicare and couldn't have lived without it.  So his approach is how to strengthen it over the longterm.  Because of his Grandmother.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

8:43 -  Romney - States that neither he nor the President proposes any changes to Social Security for 55 and up.  But President is lowering the amount to be paid to providers of Medicare now by 700 Billion over ten years.  This will cause many providers to stop taking Medicare patients.  Romney will put it back into Medicare when he repeals Obamacare.

8:44 - Comrade again - Vouchers on people my age and younger and this will cause me $6000 a year....Except he admits that Romney will allow me to keep the old way if I like it....But this will cause everything to collapse.  He is very against vouchers as is AARP (Communist Old People of America). zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

8:47 - Romney - No change for Medicare now except returning 700 billion Obama took.  For future Medicare - Choose of private plan vs. no cost government plan.  Also will take away some benefits for wealthy seniors.  In other words, will take it back to a safety net.

8:49 - Comrade "Every study has shown Government has less administrative costs than Private insurance......."  Yep.  Everybody knows that.  AARP again.  Thank you, Comrade. Romney spanks him.  The opposite it true.  All Government programs are wasteful, private is better.

8:50 - Regulations in the economy now topic - Romney - "Regulations are essential as a private businessman.  Every free economy needs regulation."  Lehrer says which are excessive?  Romney - "Dodd Frank, banks too big to fail."  "Repeal and replace."  Comrade's response - Obama blames Wall Street for economic problems although admits subprime issue cause problem.  But mostly it was Banks making big profits.  Not Barney Frank and his cronies that forced banks to lend to moochers.

8:54 - Obama lying about Romney's position on Dodd-Frank.  Romney says "That's just not the facts."  Romney wants to stop protecting big banks at the expense of small banks.  Housing markets still dead because of Dodd Frank not making clear regulations.

8:56 - Health Care - Obama Care - Romney First - He starts with personal stories of people he has met, then small businesses, CBO says Obamacare has raised costs $2500 a year.  Unelected Board that tells people what treatment they can have (Death Panels) Effect on job growth.  "I don't know how the President could have come into office and spent two years on Health Care instead of creating Jobs."  BOOM

8:58 - Comrade's Turn - "Millions of people where going bankrupt if they got sick when he came into office."  "He did it to make middle-class people secure."  "Insurance companies can't jerk you around." "Your child is a kid until he/she/it is 26 now, thanks to me, The Comrade." "The irony is that this method worked well in Massachusetts."  Running over Lehrer. Comrade irritated.  

9:01 - Romney on Massachusetts - Republicans and Democrats came together.  Obama pushed it through with no Republican vote.  Romney worked with 87% Democrat congress in Massachusetts to put in Health Care without raising taxes.  Only 2 congressman voted against it at the end. They did not have Death Panels either.  Most be Bipartisan.  Romney killed him again.

9:03 - Comrade now says that Universal Health Care was once Bipartisan Idea.  He is right and he took care of that didn't he.  Stuttering and lying.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ways of Doing it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..Cleveland Clinic zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The old bullshitter has run out of bullshit tonight.  Checking on Twitter and everyone agrees he is getting masacred.  Oh so it's Doctors and Medical People on the un-elected Death panel.  Oh, ok then.

9:07 - Romney is glowing.  No Boards telling people what kind of treatment they can get.  "Not have Federal Government take over healthcare and tell Doctors and Patients what kind of healthcare they can have."

9:08 - Comrade - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Can't be denied zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Millions with preexisting conditions zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz More customers so better...somehow.....halting, disjointed.  I don't thinks it's me.  He is incoherent.  Too lazy to prepare.

9:15 - Romney - Military. Endowed by Creator. Right to Pursue Happiness. Pursue Dreams.  "What we are seeing now is trickle down government."

9:18 - Education - Romney -  Feds have some role but mostly state and local.  He wants kids getting low income federal money to have choice of schools.  Fed trumps local on school choice when fed funds provided. Obama - Slamming Ryan budget without putting forth any specifics....UhhhhhUhhhhh

9:22 - "You are entitled to your own jet and to your own house but not to your own facts." says Romney.

9:25 - Romney - "I will meet with leaders from both sides every week to solve the problems.  Republicans and Democrats both love America."
Obama - "I will work with anyone who will work with me.  That's how we are doing so good now."

Brings up Don't Ask Don't Tell - Freebie.


9:30 - Comrade begging and sounding pitiful.

Romney - "What kind of America do you want for your self and your children.  Two paths that lead in very different directions."

I have seen a bunch of debates and this was the most one-sided by far.  It was not due to one or two "zingers" or lines.  It was a beat down from bell to bell.  It not for the set time limit, it would have been a knockout in every round.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's Been Awhile

My wife asked me if I had abandoned the blog and it is a valid question and prompted my wondering the same thing, but no I haven't.  I got distracted.  A lot of things have been happening and I have been expressing myself in other ways.  It's time to get back to this way.

Harry Reid said today that Mitt Romney had "sullied" his Morman faith.  This is the same Democratic Senate Majority leader who announced from the floor of the Senate (because he has legal protection there) that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in 10 years.  Democratic. Senate. Majority. Leader.  Let that sink in.  It says all I need to know about that tribe.

I saw the blown call last night.  Unions and strikes.  I ran to town earlier and listened to El Rushbo riffing on the the referee strike and he was laughing at the Sports Writers and Journalists.  Sports writers and journalists, like most journalists, are liberal and pro-union generally.  They don't like it when it effects them though.  They all send their kids to private schools, like most elite liberals, so they are big teacher's union supporters.  They believe there should be equal opportunity among fire fighters, among the military.  Every profession should look like a cross-section of America.  Merit is irrelevant - except with NFL referrees.  I care.

On Saturday I started running in the woods of Nesbit Park in Bartlett, Tennessee with a target goal of 40 miles, a safety of 50k, and a reach of 50 miles.  At mile 24, I still felt pretty good.  I was hurting, particularly in my left calf, but it was manageable.  In the next few miles I was still definitely intending on going beyond the 31.1 mile option and doing the 40.  The way I felt, I had pretty much abandoned any thought of 50 miles by then.  When I reached the aid station, about 4.5 miles into the 7.5 mile loop, I had slowed about a minute a mile from when I ran that section on the prior three loops.  That didn't alarm me too much but when I started back running from the aid station I could hardly lift my left leg.  Ironically, my right leg with the ankle in a hard brace, felt fine (sprained in a cross country race 9 days before).  I knew I had slowed even more on the back part of the loop but when I came out of the woods and did the calculations, it was even worse than I thought.  At the Bartlett Ultras, you have the choice of running the 50k, 40 mile, or 50 mile race and you can make those decisions in the race.  You have to pick one when you register but you choose with the awareness that you can change your mind.  The smart people register for the 50k and then go on if they feel like it.  I registered for the 40 miler even though I knew I could stop at 50k.   I felt a little failure for opting out.  If I was going to DNF for 40 miles I would have gone on but I chose to live to fight another day, or more likely to fight  a sooner day.  I've taken three days off and will start back running tomorrow.  I'm in extreme retooling mode; the kind where I cut all my hair off, recommit to Yoga,  etc.

We've been visiting Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison.  Over the years I have become less tolerant of watered down Christianity and suspected that my soul could only be filled by getting back to the real stuff.  It's kind of like when I was drinking.  I might mess around and drink a couple of six packs of beer to get things started but sooner or later, I have to get some whiskey.  I need to get a hold of something that will get down there and get the job done.  I'm ready to get the job done religiously.  I could elaborate on many things that I consider "watered down" but I will make this one statement for now.  Any Church that is preaching that abortion on demand is acceptable now that the United States has declared it legal with a seriously flawed 5-4 Supreme Court  decision, is a Church that I can not respect and will not attend.  And let me say that in my youth and a little beyond, I was involved in several abortions and deserve no mercy for my part in those decisions. I put some people in untenable positions and I take responsibility for doing that.  But a person can change, a person can grow up and accept responsibility and I have done that.  I won't allow my personal shame on that issue to cower me before anyone or any entity - political, religious, social, or otherwise. I was saying.  Broadmoor Baptist Church.  I felt the Holy Spirit there the first time I visited and every time since.  I've been to several churches over the last few years and never felt it.  If you know what I mean then you know what I mean.  Shelly and the children like it too and we will continue to explore if that is to be our new church home.